If you would like to do this activity with your kiddos it was super easy. Do a direct draw for Splat, have them glue on Cheerios for some non-standard measurement practice, then write about it. I have a copy of the cute paper I used {ClIcK HeRe} for a copy. I have MANY other fun personal narratives that include lots of science experiments in my newest unit Write WIth Me. You can check it out HERE:

Where you can also get the flow map for personal narrative writing. Below is an example of one of the activities included in my Third Quarter "Write With Me" Unit.

Now for the next freebie....I came across this idea a few years ago and now I can't remember for the life of me where I saw it. But I changed it a little to make it into a 10 more game and I think the kiddos are going to love it.
It's a little game called Piggy...here is how ya play:
Lay the cards out on the floor. Sit in a circle around the cards. Make sure the cards are spread out. Student one takes a card and shares ten more than the number shown on the card. If they are correct they keep the card. If they are wrong they put the card back. If the student draws a piggy card, ALL students stand up and Say PIGGY, PIGGY, PIGGY...or OINK, OINK, OINK while wiggling their finger by their bottoms like a pig tail. When you say Barnyard, all students sit down quickly and quietly and get ready for the next student to draw a card. This is a super fun game and talk about high engagement! So, here is how the game looks:
{CLiCk HeRe} for your FREE copy of this FUN game! Leave me a little comment too...I would love to hear what you think! Have a great week!