Wednesday, February 1, 2012

100 days of learning...TOMORROW!!!!

The kiddos are sooooo excited for the 100th day of school! I am too {do you hear the excitement in my voice ...wink, wink}! Last year we made these cute crowns that said "I am 100 days smarter!"  My creative friend did a little revamping and came up with this:

One year later, I am STILL laughing when I see this! You are hilarious Linda! Love ya lots!!!! xoxoxoxox~Happy 100th day of SCHOOL!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Isn't that funny!!!! We have the best job ~ who else gets to do this fun stuff???

  2. HA!!!!! I ADORE THAT!!! I have had the initials QTC made with alphabeads (on a safety pin) on my lanyard since last year. Quit The C***! My kiddos have asked what it spells and I tell them something that only teachers know! =)

    I am having a giveaway to win an adorable shirt and some other wonderful goodies. I would LOVE for you to come check it out! =)

    Heather's Heart

  3. Hahahahaha!!! Too cute.

    I'm also having a giveaway! I'd love for you to stop by!

    Krazy About Kiddos
