Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Greater than/Less Than Alligator Symbols with Words Freebie

My little friends and I are working on comparing numbers using the <, >, = symbols. You can find a fun game using double digit number cards and ten frames in my Common COre Math Unit.

Most of them have it but I thought these fun little alligators would be perfect to hit the concept home for those who are still struggling a bit. I am going to let them use these tomorrow but switch them over to the regular symbols a.s.a.p.  I don't want them to rely on these too much~I also think it is SUPER important for them to read the number sentence using words. For example, ___ is greater than/less than/____. To play the game, I had students work in pairs. They each turned over a card from the stack of double digit numbers (seen above...there are several pages of double digit numbers in the packet) and used crayons to make the appropriate symbol. They then had to record the number sentence on their data sheet seen above {which I put in a sheet protector for easy reuse}. Tomorrow I will have them use these alligators {after they are cut apart and maybe even laminated} instead of crayons...I think they will have fun with it! Grab a copy of the alligators below and then grab a copy of my Common Core Math Pack for the fun game above!
Happy Hump Day...now I have to go deal with a 5 year old is having a melt-down! FUN for ME!!!

P.S. I totally just CRACKED myself up...I was "proof-reading" my post and noticed AFTER I posted it that I had put Happy Hump + y {at the end of hump...if ya know what I mean}. Now I am fixing it before I post it to the world...again! I got a pretty good laugh out of that one! Ok...GOODNIGHT!


  1. I have got to add the math pack to my wish list!!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  2. Use of these symbols like greater than, lessor than, alligator etc. is very common in mathematics. There are many other symbols like these, with proper practice students can learn about this easily. engineering management sop

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