Saturday, January 26, 2013

My Interactive Science Lab Notebook...Perfect for Creating You Science Fair Project!

This is a little notebook for students to use while creating their Science Fair Projects. It will guide them through the scientific process and give them helpful hints on how to complete each section. When they complete this notebook, they will be ready to easily transfer their notes to a display board for their formal presentation. Have a look below:

I want to give away three of these Science Notebooks. So, be sure to leave a comment and enter to win a copy! If you can't wait you can grab it now for $2.00 at my TpT store. See ya tomorrow! 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Winner WInner...and "I can do Small things in Great Ways!"

As promised, I am ready to now give away 3 "Grab a Graph...and Survey Me!" units.  The random generator has spoken and the winners are.....

#19: Yvonnee
#16: Meadow T.
#22: Michelle J.

Woo Hoo!!!! Congrats...I I hope you like it! If you didn't win and you would like to have a copy click {HERE} and grab a copy at my shop. Here is a preview below:

Now for the MLK Cutie...

This FREEBIE will be coming tomorrow. I have to finish it up. My sister-in-law inspired this little cutie. She posted on facebook after watching the Presidential Inauguration she posted that "We must all remember the Dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and "do small things in great ways" to help make it a reality." I loved this so much I had to do something with it! So, here it is... a cute little MLK person and a speech bubble for kids to write how they can do "small things in a great way!" LOVE!!!!!


Happy Teaching Tuesday! 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Grab a Graph...and Survey Me! Mini Unit is ready!!! Giveaway!!!!

My newest unit is ready and I am super excited about how it turned out. Grab a Graph... and Survey Me! is a Common Core Mini Unit that contains 16 graphs. There are 7 survey graphs where students survey their friends, 5 graphs with pictures for students to cut, sort and then record data, and 4 graphs that require students to read a story problem and then record their data on their graphs. Each graph has a set of questions for students to answer which meet the Common Core standard for interpreting data. Your students will master collecting and interpreting data after completing the activities in this unit! Have a look below...I think you will love it too!

I am giving away 2 of these bad boys so leave a comment below and your email address and you just may be one of the lucky winners of this unit. If you can't wait to see who wins, click {HERE} for the direct link to my Teachers Pay Teachers store. 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Graphing Freebie From Grab a Graph Mini-Unit

I am so excited about how this unit is turning out. I haven't finished it yet but I am planning on having it ready to go by Sunday.  We are hitting the Data standard hard this quarter and I realized that we are in major need of some fun survey activities. I couldn't wait to share a little preview of this unit so I decided to share one of the graphing activities I put together with you. Have a look...

Kiddos will survey 8 friends and record the data. I included all three types of graphs: the tally graph, a pictograph, and a bat graph. When they are finished they complete the next page and answer questions about their data. 

Click {HERE} to grab a copy of the Graph. Don't forget to look for Grab a Graph mini-unit Sunday! 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Freebie winners and another Freebie to all!

This week has felt like the longest week E.V.E.R!!!!! I am not sure why...oh wait, yes I do! One word..."TESTING!!!" AND it still isn't over. We have MAP (winter) testing, end of the quarter SFA testing/placement, post testing for ELA and Math, as well as's all good info. though! So, looking ahead to 3rd quarter I need to get my rear in gear and finish my Personal Narrative Third Quarter unit for writing. I am just plain out of energy by the time I get home. I promise it is in the works though!

Last Sunday I shared my little "Toast" to 2013 mini unit with you all and I said I would give away 3 to 3 lucky friends who left a comment. Well, only 6 friends left a comment so I HAVE to give ALL 6 lovely ladies this unit! How can I say NO to any one of you?!?!?!? I will be emailing you all soon :-) Click {HERE} to grab a copy of this unit.

As for the nest Freebie, I put together an assortment of poems to meet the standard:
Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.

So, I wanted to share this little unit with all of you. It contains several poems as well as a tree map which is used to help students identify the words or phrases that appeal to their senses! Have a look below...

I plan on using these whole group.  We will read one a day and discuss/record the words that appeal to our senses on the tree map. If you have a SMART Board it would be perfect to read, highlight, and record. CLick {HERE} for your FREE copy of this little unit. I love hearing for you all so leave me a comment if you grab a copy! 

Talk again soon...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

We "Toasted" to 2013, A Birthday for Martin, and Snowmen Soup For SUPER COLD WEATHER!

We had a BLAST last week "toasting" to 2013 and then writing our very first personal narrative. My kiddos loved every second of is what we did. I made toast for each one of my kids, they chose their favorite topping {choices were peanut butter, grape jelly, or strawberry jelly}, they spread their topping all over their toast, "toasted" to 2013 by clinking their toast together at their tables and then "devoured" their toast! I am telling you...EASY and FUN! They did such a great job at writing for their  very first personal narrative too. I took pictures of the entire process so have a look...
Here we are "toasting" to 2013...

After we gobbled up our de-lish toast, we wrote about our experience...You can see we have an opening, transitions with events and "tell-me-more's," and a person connection/conclusion.

One of my cuties after he made his paper toast {it represents the topping her chose}

Lorrell's final product... 

Braden's final product complete with our 2013 person, a personal goal, and toast!!!

In my unit I have this little person has a fact family hat and the chalkboard has the fact family number sentences written on it instead of "Happy New Year." We just ran our of time so I made it quick and easy! 

*I will give away 2 of these units ONLY if you leave me a little love note...if you can't wait to see who the winners are then go right over to my store and grab a copy by clicking {HERE}!!!*

We will be working out of my Snowman Soup unit and Happy Birthday Martin unit. If you haven't seen either of these yet take a look below:

Click {HERE} for Martin...

and here is my Snowman Soup Preview...

If your district gives the MAP test, this unit is a not only aligns with Common Core but it also aligns with the expectations of a first grader according to MAP Des Carte.  Click {HERE} for my Snowman Unit...

Have a great week and don't forget to leave a comment because you just may be the lucky winner of a "Toast"to 2013 Mini-Unit winner!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

"Toast" to 2013 Mini Unit is Available NOW!!!!

Hi there friends...we had quite a fun weekend! A word to the wise...DON'T BUY CHEAP FAUCETS, EVEN IF IT IS JUST FOR THE RENTAL!!!! We learned the hard water pressure blew the nob off the faucet in the kitchen and we had a nice waterfall going for quite some time. Made it "sauna like" but the good news is we got it all cleaned up and drying out. Wow...what a day! It has been snowing all day and while I love to "look" at it from the inside of my house, I don't love driving in it and I dread it tomorrow morning! 

Enough about me, here is my newest mini-unit. Check it out below:
 This common core mini-unit is full of celebrations for the New Year. Below is a summary of what you will find in my 44 page unit:
*Personal Narrative "Toast" to 2013 with a craftivity
*Cute New Year Person for practicing fact families
*Is my Sum Great than, Less than, or Equal to 13 addition sorting activity
*Make Ten or Go Fish My Friend: A game to practice the partners of 10
*New Year word search
*Solve the Room: Telling time to the Hour game
*Crack the Code: New Year Vocabulary 
*How is 2013 "Measuring Up?" Compare and order pictures according to size
*Graphing Galore: 2 Graphing activities
CLICK {HERE} to go to My Store!
Lots of fun and perfect for your first week back to school after the New Year!
So hurry on over to my store and grab a copy...I think you will enjoy it! 
Happy New Year and Happy {Kinda} Return To SChool!!!! 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Third Quarter is right around the CORNER!!! and so is Personal Narratives!

It has been a while since I have posted and I am feeling super guilty! Sooooo, I decided to share one of my newest personal narrative lessons with you that will be included in my newest writing unit focusing on, yes-you guessed it, PERSONAL NARRATIVES!!! This lesson will only be available for a short amount of time so you won't want to miss out on grabbing it. This particular lesson is a personal recount on learning to blow bubbles. Have a look below at my example: 
*Students participated  in blowing their very own bubbles. It is extremely important to create shared experiences that students can participate in prior to writing. Many of us have students who are not provided with opportunities at home that allow them to reflect and write about their experience. So why not provide the experience for them and at the same time make the experience the same for all kids. You will have lots of control over the events they will recall as well. We brainstormed the events that occurred using the circle map first and then labeled the events in order with numbers :1, 2, 3, 4, 5.    

 I modeled by taking the ideas from the circle map and transferring them to the flow map. I wrote the events first on the lines. Then modeled by filling the rest of the flow map and thinking aloud my ideas. At this point in the year, students should be able to think through a good sentence in their head without writing all their thoughts down. So, we orally rehearsed MANY times reading off the maps we created. You can see how the transitions fit nicely into our story. The arrow down is for elaboration or a “tell-me-more.” Be sure to guide students towards an opening sentence that tells who, did what, when, and where. The personal connection is the closing.

Click {HERE} or on the picture of the blank flow map below to get your own copy of this lesson...get it while it is free because tomorrow-Friday, at 10:00 am it will no longer be free! It WILL be available though in my upcoming Third Quarter Writing Unit available soon at my TpT store! 
I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas and 2013 is off to a great start...Back to school on Monday for us and I am trying to get my head around the idea of having to get up early! UGH!