Sunday, February 26, 2012

I Hopped Over...Reading Words with ed Endings

I Hopped Over...Reading words with ed Endings is a game to add to your Leap day plans. Kiddos can play this game with a partner and practice reading words with ed endings. They read a card and determine if the word has the ed sound of t, d, or ed. I also included two tree map sorts for additional practice. Check out a preview below and click on HERE to go over to my TpT store and grab a copy of this game as well as Hop TWO It! A game for the Common Core Standard 1.OA.5: Counting by 2 by adding 2. Happy Leap Day!

Here is a preview of my Hop Two It game in case you missed it yesterday.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Leap Year and Common Core Standard 1.OA.5

Here is a fun little game for kiddos to practice the standard 1.OA.5 Relate counting to addition and subtraction: counting on by 2 to add 2. I just posted it at my TpT store. I would like to give a couple copies away so if you leave a comment below I would love to give you a copy for FREE!!!! Check out the pictures below to see the game. 

Click here for a direct link to the game or click on the TpT button in the top right corner of my blog. Back tomorrow with more fun stuff! Happy Saturday.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Abe Writing, More Mental Madness, and Presidents Day Unit

First of all I have some cute graphic organizers for writing about Abe as well as a craftivity. Grab a copy HERE below to use in your class.
Tree Map with "tell-me-more's" used for organizing your ideas from the circle map below

Circle Map {this map is actually used first for brainstorming}

Cute finished product writing paper

Below is a cute little peek-over Abe for your finished writing. I am going to have the paper copied on white paper and then mount it on black construction for the black jacket look. 

Next is a freebie you can pick up at my TpT store. It is a fun game of 10 more, 10 less, 1 more, 1 less Mental Madness. Click HERE to go over and grab a copy!

And last but not least, DON"T MISS OUT ON MY PRESIDENTS DAY UNIT. This unit is perfect to use in your classroom to practice Common Core Standards + MORE. LOTS of fun games and activities so go on over to my TpT store and grab a copy. You can see a preview HERE and grab a couple freebies from my unit.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

SALE!!!! CALLING ALL First Grade Fanatic! Friends...

I am throwing a President's weekend sale. Check out my latest unit, an ELA unit called {you guessed it} "President's Day, ELA Common Core + MORE!"  You can have have a look at these fun activities by checking out the pictures below. I have posted a couple freebies from my unit that you can grab as well. I LOVE this time of year! Well, I guess there isn't a time of school year I don't LOVE! {OK maybe that's a lie, I don't love party days! Yes, I admitted it, I am a party pooper! I know that you all won't hold it against me though~we have that kind of relationship where I can "open up" and tell you the good, the bad, and the ugly of Johanna!}

Poem and Inflected Endings Freebie from my President's Day Unit

Sing the Poem below to "My mother is a baker"

Click on any picture above to download the freebies.  

 Preview of my entire President's Day Unit

Click HERE to visit this unit at my TpT store and get 20% off until Monday at midnight! Hurry the sale won't last forever! Happy three day weekend!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Because I LOVE YOU!!!

The Common Core Standard for graphing requires students to read and interpret data. They must be able to  answer questions such as: how many in all, how many more, how many less, and so on. I made this little activity for my calendar. I am going to laminate the graph so I can use an expo marker to write on it then wipe it off. I am also going to laminate the picture strips for durability. My idea is to tape a strip of pictures to the bottom of the graph prior to calendar time then fill in the graph with random data. You can make a pictograph or a bar graph or alternate~it is up to you. You can simply change the graph each day just by changing the pictures and the data. Use the question sheet to ask the above questions as you analyze the data on your graph. Take a copy by clicking on the picture below...if you wouldn't mind, leave me a LOVE note if you do grab a copy! Thanks for being my Valentine's!!!! XOXOXOXO
 Graph to laminate and display 
 One set of pictures{there is another set included, you will have to give the graph a title and state what they survey was about according to the pictures.}
Friday already!!!!!! WHAT????

Monday, February 6, 2012

President's Day ELA Common Core + MORE!!!! Unit

If you are looking for the perfect ELA Common Core Unit to implement for the next couple of weeks, then you have come to the right place! I just finished a HUGE unit for ELA Common Core standards + a little more! Take a look below to see what this fun unit includes.

You will find the following activities in this unit:

Sentence Scramble
ABC Order
Syllable Sort with the Months/Patriotic
Month Abbreviation Match
Word Families
Word Sort {Long and Short Vowels}
Inflected endings
Homophone BINGO
Fact and Opinions
Compound Words
Friendly Letter

Grab a copy here or visit my TpT store by clicking on the Teachers Pay Teachers button in the top right corner. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

200+ Followers Freebie and Sadness in Coleville This Morning

Last night we found out through my daughter's friend that there was an explosion at the Marine Base Housing just miles down the road from where we live. My daughter's friend lives with her family on the Marine Base. She was frantic when she called, because it was a house on the base that had exploded. This morning we have learned that it was caused by a gas leak and it is under investigation. One woman lost her life due to the explosion and 2 others were hurt. It could have been so much worse, however, lots of sadness for the families this morning. My thoughts and prayers are with all the families~

I noticed that my little blog has hit 200+ followers! I owe a HUGE "THANKS" to all you wonderful and amazing teachers! I have created a little game for your kiddos to practice comparing numbers with greater than, less than, equal toI hope you find it to be useful...

I want to thank the AMAZING  Kathy Law at First Grade a la Carte~this little creation is inspired by her. If you haven't checked out her blog you MUST! She is extremely talented and has the best board games for kids to play.

Please let me know if you grab a copy and leave me a comment...I LOVE reading them!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

100 days of learning...TOMORROW!!!!

The kiddos are sooooo excited for the 100th day of school! I am too {do you hear the excitement in my voice ...wink, wink}! Last year we made these cute crowns that said "I am 100 days smarter!"  My creative friend did a little revamping and came up with this:

One year later, I am STILL laughing when I see this! You are hilarious Linda! Love ya lots!!!! xoxoxoxox~Happy 100th day of SCHOOL!!!