Sunday, September 16, 2012

And the WInners Are....

Wow! Thanks for all the excitement for my newest mini unit-that was awesome! I can't wait to teach about apples too...I LOVE this time of year. So....I won't keep you all waiting a second longer! The winners are {drum roll please}...

        1. Erin Sample
2. Tamera

Thanks to all who played-it is always so much fun!

I would like to share another little item-I made this planner for my daughter because she is having a hard time getting "organized." I am posting the exact planner and one that is blank for you to fill in. Happy Apple Teaching!

I will upload the second one tomorrow-I am having MAJOR internet difficulties right now! I am shutting down and going to B.E.D! 

**UPDATE: I did it! It is linked so if you like the second planner better-click on the pic and grab one! Now-I am going to BED!

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