Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Martin! mini unit- Just Posted!

Happy Birthday Martin! is a mini unit that contains several writing activities, a mini book, a brace map of me activity, a double bubble map comparing and contrasting two friends, reader's theater/play, and a poem. It is a unit that teaches students to identify similarities and differences and appreciate both qualities in each other. Students will understand all that Matin Luther King Jr. fought for and sacrificed for all cultures today. Your students will LOVE learning about Martin Luther King Jr. and make connections to their lives after completing this unit.

Check out my preview below:

So go on over to my store and grab a copy - it is only $4.00-I think you and your kiddos will LOVE it! 
CLick {HERE} or click on my button in the top right corner!


  1. Wow! So cute! I {puffy} heart it!


    1. Thanks for the ultimate compliment-{I puffy heart it} LOVE it :-)

  2. Thanks for coming on over and having look :-) Happy MLK day!


  3. This is so AWESOME! I am putting this on my wishlist! I am so glad payday is Friday! =)

    I love your blog and am so happy to be a follower! I thought I had been following you for even longer but then I checked under my list of blogs I follow and you weren't there! =(

    You are NOW! =)

    I would love for you to come visit me!

    Heather's Heart

    1. You are so sweet! I am glad you are a follower now too-I am coming right over to check your blog out! Happy MLK day :-)

  4. Johanna, Thank you for coming by again! =) I thought you were already following too! When I looked under your blog list I didn't see mine. So I started worrying that maybe I had been de-followed like being unfriended on Facebook. I am a worrier! Plus, I have had blogger do some weird things lately!

    I am off to explore more of you wonderful blog! =)

    Heather's Heart
