Sunday, December 4, 2011

Bah-Humbugs! Unit

Ok friends I am going to make this short and sweet because it is LATE! I just finished my Bah-Humbugs Unit and I am going to post a few more freebies that are included in this way cute but very high level thinking unit. Talk about really dissecting the book as you read-this unit is all about reading comprehension with a ton of F.U.N. mixed in for the perfect blend!  Oh- and did I mention a tiny bit of math/cookie taste testing and graphing for the heck of it is included too?!
Here is FREEBIE number one:
Number Two: 
Here is the poem one more time in case you didn't get a copy earlier.  I  created it to go with the book.
Number Three: 
Last, but not least, is the bubble map to describe the Humbugs using adjectives. Students will write using this map to describe the Humbugs. See an example of the finished project below. 

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute! I have your unit in my wish list for next year, since I just came across this!

    ♥ Jen Ross
    The Teachers' Cauldron
