Sunday, December 11, 2011

10 More 10 Less Mental Madness

I just created a board game for partners to play working on identifying 10 more, 10 less, 1 more, and 1 less and posted it at my store. The Common Core standard this particular game is covering is 1.NBT.5. Your kiddos will LOVE playing this fun game - learning by playing games is the best way to learn! Common Core wants students to "justify" their thinking, and with this game, justifying is built in. Students must share how they came up with their answer before moving on.When students are finished playing, they may complete the worksheet. Check out the pictures below for a little preview:
Above is the game-board students will use.

The cards are cut apart and students will turn one card over at a time and share with their partner the number that is missing. 

The worksheet above can be used to wrap up the lesson or to use as an assessment. 

Grab yourself a copy at my little shop by clicking here or on my button in the top right corner. 


  1. So cute! Just found your blog. I'm your newest follower!

    Also, wanted to share my new GIVEAWAY with you :)
    You can WIN a $20 Gift Card for Amazon and shop till you drop :)

    Come by & enter to WIN!

    Happy Holidays!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  2. Ya!!! I love meeting you all! Thanks for the link I will be going right over to your blog!!!! Happy Sunday:-)
