Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Meet: Ana Log

This game was created and inspired by my A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. friend Linda King. She is the inventor of our new little friend "Ana Log." Due to my EXTREMELY long commute home, I have far too much time on my hands to think...if ya know what I mean??? As I mentioned, my very good friend Linda had a brilliant idea to make the analog clock into Ana Log with a girls face. So, on my way home I thought...hey, what a fun game that would be! So, grab a copy of Ana Log and the data sheet to go with it and play with your kiddos. I left the clocks blank so you can draw the hands to meet your needs. Thanks Linda for your GREAT idea...YOU are the B.E.S.T!!! She also thought of Digi look for him coming soon!!!

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